(516) 319-7091 hello@bni7.com

BNI Education

Leadership Team

Chirag Mody

Vice President
Jason Kapoor

Jessica Allen

Education Coordinator
Keith Underwood

Membership Committee
Jason Kapoor
Robert Smith

Visitor Hosts
Bill Allen
Ralph Kassin

BNI Education

Strong Power Teams Lead to Strong Chapters

By J. Lance Mead The Professions That Are Good For You, Are Good For Your Chapter This week I would like to focus on Relationships and how we can use those productively in our building strong and vibrant "Power Teams" in our chapter environment. First, we all know or at the very least have an idea...

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Why Introverts Can Be Great Networkers

by Dr. Ivan Misner You don't have to be a people person to network; you just have to be willing to listen. A common assumption is that a "people person" is the best type of networker. But this isn't necessarily true. Actually, the only people who can't profit from networking or referral marketing...

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TLC – What 3 Things Are Needed Are Needed For Chapter Success?

There's one thing that's necessary to succeed in inviting guests, insuring qualified referrals and the overall success of our chapter. There's no two-ways about it, its "HARD WORK". No matter what we try to achieve in Business or Life, without putting in some "Hard Work" chances are we'll only be...

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Networking Relationships – Relationships are critical!

by Bryan R. Adams RELATIONSHIPS with your networking group, or as we like to refer to as your 'Sales Staff' is key and critical to experiencing any type of regular and consistent success. RELATIONSHIPS are so important that it's critical that we work on them as often as possible. Good...

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BNI 7 Members

Agnieszka Chomicz
Relocation Services

Bill Allen
Property & Casualty Insurance

Bobby Soler
Financial Advisor

Chirag Mody
Mortgage Loans

Howard Globus
IT Consulting

Jason Kapoor
Title Services

Jessica Allen
Bookkeeping Services

Jessica DeLeon-Delfin
Brooklyn Residential Real Estate

Patrick Slutzky
Private Banker

Paul Cole
Manhattan Residential Real Estate

Ralph Kassin
Certified Public Accountant

Robert Smith
Real Estate Attorney

Leadership Team

Chirag Mody

Vice President
Jason Kapoor

Jessica Allen

Education Coordinator
Keith Underwood

Membership Committee
Jason Kapoor
Robert Smith

Visitor Hosts
Bill Allen
Ralph Kassin