BNI Education

BNI Education
BNI Refreshers – Everything You Always Wanted To Know…
by Bryan R. Adams Referral Slips When you fill out your referral slips, please make sure that there is contact info. It is important that a phone number or email address is on the slip. If the member cannot get in touch with the person, it will not count as a referral. One To Ones New members'...
Build Your Business Thru Networking – Why Are We Here Every Wed Morn?
by Question: What are the keys to building your business through networking? Answer (from Andrea Nierenberg, Author of Nonstop Networking) Here are five to consider: Meet people and nurture your current network. Listen and learn from everyone you meet. We learn more by listening then...
The True Purpose Of Testimonials
by Dr. Ivan Misner In the early days of BNI, there was only a "referral" portion of the meeting. If you didn't have any referrals, then you wouldn't stand up and say anything. That all changed when one guy refused to stay silent. He said, "Well, I just want to talk about Dr. Rubin. I went to see...
Budgeting for Referrals – Making Referrals A Part of Your Biz Plan
Most of us enjoy the give and take of business friendships and associations. We get together for lunches and seminars and conventions, and we appreciate the value of knowing people in a variety of places and associations. But how many of us count the minutes and hours we spend on this kind of...