(516) 319-7091 hello@bni7.com

BNI Education

Leadership Team

Chirag Mody

Vice President
Jason Kapoor

Jessica Allen

Education Coordinator
Keith Underwood

Membership Committee
Jason Kapoor
Robert Smith

Visitor Hosts
Bill Allen
Ralph Kassin

BNI Education

BNI Refreshers – Everything You Always Wanted To Know…

by Bryan R. Adams Referral Slips When you fill out your referral slips, please make sure that there is contact info. It is important that a phone number or email address is on the slip. If the member cannot get in touch with the person, it will not count as a referral. One To Ones New members'...

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The True Purpose Of Testimonials

by Dr. Ivan Misner In the early days of BNI, there was only a "referral" portion of the meeting. If you didn't have any referrals, then you wouldn't stand up and say anything. That all changed when one guy refused to stay silent. He said, "Well, I just want to talk about Dr. Rubin. I went to see...

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BNI 7 Members

Agnieszka Chomicz
Relocation Services

Bill Allen
Property & Casualty Insurance

Bobby Soler
Financial Advisor

Chirag Mody
Mortgage Loans

Howard Globus
IT Consulting

Jason Kapoor
Title Services

Jessica Allen
Bookkeeping Services

Jessica DeLeon-Delfin
Brooklyn Residential Real Estate

Patrick Slutzky
Private Banker

Paul Cole
Manhattan Residential Real Estate

Ralph Kassin
Certified Public Accountant

Robert Smith
Real Estate Attorney

Leadership Team

Chirag Mody

Vice President
Jason Kapoor

Jessica Allen

Education Coordinator
Keith Underwood

Membership Committee
Jason Kapoor
Robert Smith

Visitor Hosts
Bill Allen
Ralph Kassin