Member Success
Member Success
Since 1998, Manhattan BNI Chapter 7 has been the right balance of fun, friendship and profit. Here are some Testimonials and Business Success Stories from our members. Remember, these are not fiction – the success is real.
A Website that Works Perfectly
Testimonial to Marc Silverman: Marc built a number of websites I've designed, and is great at taking a designer's often complicated vision and translating it into a site that works perfectly and looks exactly as it should. Most web developers can handle one or the other (the site will look...
Multi-Year Business
Story by Bryan Adams: In the mid-2000’s, one of the Executive Directors gave me a referral to a real estate agent. I noticed that she was getting consistent coverage in the NY Times. I told her she needn’t worry about hiring me for publicity right now - that she was doing great so far. But...
Every Business Has a Personality
Testimonial to Harriet Goren: Among Harriet's wide range of design skills, she is a talented designer who regularly has given us the opportunity to integrate her visual designs into web sites for clients. The starting point of her approach is evident in her stated strategy: "Every business...