Member Success
Member Success
Since 1998, Manhattan BNI Chapter 7 has been the right balance of fun, friendship and profit. Here are some Testimonials and Business Success Stories from our members. Remember, these are not fiction – the success is real.
Don’t Fall Through the Gaps
Testimonial to Bill Allen: Making sure his clients are properly covered is simply "music to Bill's ears" so-to-speak. (Did you know he's a darn good musician too?) As a client, and as a member in his business networking group, I've experienced Bill's service personally, and I've heard...
A Very Caring Professional
Testimonial to Bill Allen: Bill is a very caring professional inside the world of Insurance. Can "caring" and "insurance" be used in the same sentence? When it comes to dealing with Bill, absolutely! If you need rental insurance, you're in "good hands" with Bill Allen. My laptop got messed...
Exposure is Not Indecent…
Testimonial to Bryan Adams: Bryan says, "Exposure is not indecent, it's FABULOUS!" and he's a man of his word. He has connections with many colleagues in the entertainment and public relations arenas, and can be instrumental in getting his client's projects "out into the world" for people to...
I Was a Bit Overwhelmed
Story by Bill Allen: It was my first meeting visiting Manhattan BNI 7 as the guest of Rob Moy, the trusts and estates attorney in the chapter. I had never even heard of BNI and although it was early in the morning, I found the meeting to be fast-paced and entertaining. I was a bit...