(516) 319-7091 hello@bni7.com

I Was a Bit Overwhelmed

Leadership Team

Chirag Mody

Vice President
Jason Kapoor

Jessica Allen

Education Coordinator
Keith Underwood

Membership Committee
Jason Kapoor
Robert Smith

Visitor Hosts
Bill Allen
Ralph Kassin

Story by Bill Allen: It was my first meeting visiting Manhattan BNI 7 as the guest of Rob Moy, the trusts and estates attorney in the chapter. I had never even heard of BNI and although it was early in the morning, I found the meeting to be fast-paced and entertaining. I was a bit overwhelmed by the vast amount of information coming my way but was impressed by the camaraderie of the group and business that was being passed that day.

I gave a commercial about my property and casualty Insurance agency, which in hindsight was a bit dry but hoped that perhaps someone in the room was paying attention. Immediately after the meeting, the mortgage broker of BNI 7 at the time, Paul Cole came over, handed me a referral slip and said his customer needed insurance for an apartment he was closing on the next day.
As soon as I returned to my office, I contacted the prospect, quoted the homeowner insurance and wrote the policy that afternoon. The next thing I did was to fill out and submit my BNI application. I was sworn in as a member two weeks later, in July 2007.

During my six years in Manhattan BNI 7 I’ve closed well over 200 pieces of business directly referred to me by Chapter 7 members as well as hundreds more in repeat business and indirect business referred to me by guests and former BNI 7 members. BNI works!

Bill Allen
William C. Allen Insurance Agency Inc.

BNI 7 Members

Agnieszka Chomicz
Relocation Services

Bill Allen
Property & Casualty Insurance

Bobby Soler
Financial Advisor

Chirag Mody
Mortgage Loans

Howard Globus
IT Consulting

Jason Kapoor
Title Services

Jessica Allen
Bookkeeping Services

Jessica DeLeon-Delfin
Brooklyn Residential Real Estate

Patrick Slutzky
Private Banker

Paul Cole
Manhattan Residential Real Estate

Ralph Kassin
Certified Public Accountant

Robert Smith
Real Estate Attorney

Leadership Team

Chirag Mody

Vice President
Jason Kapoor

Jessica Allen

Education Coordinator
Keith Underwood

Membership Committee
Jason Kapoor
Robert Smith

Visitor Hosts
Bill Allen
Ralph Kassin